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Gain Valuable Insights with Shot Scope Golf Tech

Gain Valuable Insights with Shot Scope Golf Tech

Among the most innovative brands when it comes to advanced golf analytics,  Shot Scope equips players with cutting edge rangefinders, GPS devices, and automatic swing/round performance trackers conveying detailed insights into tendencies needing refinement for fast improvement.

Shot Scope PRO LX - Laser Range Up To 1000 Yards Boasting extended 1000 yard flag lock pulse laser rangefinding and club recommendations based on your exact hitting distance, the PRO LX provides near instant yardages even from furthest sightlines along with shot tracing when paired with tags on your clubs and bags.

Shot Scope PRO L2 - Slope Switch For Tournament Conformity For competition conforming rangefinding disabling illegal slope assist, the PRO L2 offers the same precision yardages and club suggestion capability in a streamlined design without slope functionality for tournament legality. Quick mode changes make it ideal for both casual and organized play.

Shot Scope H4 GPS & Handicap Tracking Combining GPS mapped yardages with post-round performance syncing highlighting strengths/weaknesses, the lightweight H4 handheld builds on-course confidence shot-to-shot while identifying skill gaps needing practice time at the range. Stats upload and handicap index updating happens seamlessly.

Let Shot Scope technology spotlight areas to refine through stats rather than guesses. Contact us to demo models risk-free!

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